Company Information

Investor Fact Sheet

Name: Ai-Media Technologies Limited (Ai-Media)
Business Description: Global provider of live and recorded captioning, transcription, subtitles, translation and speech analytics using a proprietary, cloud-based technology platform.
Business Established: 2003
Listing: Ai-Media is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)
Ticker code: AIM
Registered Office: Level 20, 15 William Street, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 3000
Phone: +61 2 8870 7700
Website: in new window
Share Registry: Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
Level 3, 60 Carrington Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2000
Phone: 02 8234 5000
Phone (within Australia): 1300 850 505
International: +61 3 9415 4000
Facsimile: +61 3 9473 2500
Investor contact: Lisa Jones
+61 422 133 352
NWR Communications
Simon Hinsley
+61 401 809 653